Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sold a Painting on Etsy!!!!!

Sold a painting on Etsy and it wasn't even listed one day. In fact the varnish is still tacky! Thank you very much to the sweet Marianne who bought her and will be giving her a good home. So many mixed feelings! I was extremely excited to wake up this morning to find one of my paintings sold. And yet, I feel she is a part of me and it is hard to let her go. But, isn't that what I want after all; I wouldn' t feel right selling something I feel didn't represent me. It felt like Christmas morning, but may be even better; to know that a person who knows and respects art as much as I do, respects my work. Wow!! What a confidence booster! Knowing that someone values my art makes me want to paint even more. Hopefully, I will continue art for a long, long time. I want to continue on and feel this feeling again and again. Thank you!


  1. Yipee i am soo happy for you! This painting is really gorgeous and i am loving the colors! Celebrating with you. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  2. I am not surprised - it's fabulous, congrats! http://www.designsbylindar.blogspot.com Fan/Biz: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Me-Myself-and-You/105043419547115

  3. Love it! I can see how it would be difficult to part with. Congratulations!

  4. congratulations ~ i love your work!

  5. gorgeous painting fellow flier!!

  6. Wow!! That's fantastic but I'm not unduly surprised... she's truly gorgeous!
    Hugs xx

  7. Congratulations! Here is to many more Etsy sales for you! ♥

  8. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! Hoping to get more paintings out there soon! Working between nap times and night.

  9. Hi! I just found you somehow on ETSY ...I don't really know how but I was searching around on forums maybe...anyway, I love your painting that you just sold! very cute! I like your style and I have also played around with digital stuff and invites...anyway, check out my blog and shop too!
