Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Lemonade Girls

Lemonade Girls by kmcclay with bubblesunderthemoon. Available soon on my etsy shop: www.bubblesunderthemoon.etsy.com

I just signed up for the Creative Color Challenge hosted by Louise Gale. The challenge is for the month of August to make a new piece of art each week with the given color plus white and black and shades. Last week's color was yellow. YELLOW! Not one of my favorite colors! After lingering over what to do until Wednesday, I decided to make a lemonade stand with my girls. My last post of Pinkalicious probably inspired me in this direction also. After working on this off and on, but more off than on, chasing my girls around, I created this in about 2 nights. I was pretty proud because I can put off details of a digital drawing for more than a week or so. This challenge is showing me I can create in a given time period. Also, I am expanding my thought process in my subject matter, not having to fret about what color to use. The monochromatic color scheme seems to free me in some way. Weird, huh?

This week's color is raspberry red. Right now I am thinking of creating a pattern about LOVE. How do little girls perceive love? Roses are red... or Mommy and Daddy sitting in a tree.. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Hopefully, I will create something cool, but my motivation has slacked for the last week or so. We'll soon see.


  1. Hi Kristina!
    What a beautiful blog!
    Love your etsy page.
    I think it is great that you have a mother-daughter creative team! Your girls are so lucky to be surrounded by that artistic joy!

  2. i do love this! i am a big fan of yellow, lemons(i eat them with salt!), and lemonade..
    very nice..

  3. Thank you Laura for your comments here and answering my questions to you on facebook. I am taking your advice and seeking out membership soon to my local SCBWI chapter. It is wonderful to have so many around that are willing to help out. I feel so blessed!

  4. Thank you Bev! It is fun and yet sometimes a challenge in itself to stay lighthearted and keep a childlike quality with the subject matter. I thought what's a better childhood memory with the color yellow than a lemonade stand?

  5. I love this print - geez I wish I had a little girls room to decorate!!! You are doing such a great job. I am really proud of you. Luv U

  6. I was immediately drawn to this in the flickr pool.

    I love your "Love Pattern" too - what a great answer to the challenge.

    You have a wonderful sense of composition & your pairing of pattern & imagery is fantastic!

    Can't wait to see what's next...

  7. Thank you Joann! One step in front of the other.

  8. Thank you so much for the wonderful comments Kristin! I was just getting down on myself when I saw your comment. I try really hard to work with color, pattern, imagery, and composition. Every day I discover something new from a previous drawing to make the next one a little better.

    This is the best compliment and I thank you for making my day!

  9. You are so gifted! Trying to stop by and support everyone (following you) - we all have bad days, down days some of which is that imposter syndrome, you know "who does she think she is"?? We are awesome generous sensitive women quietly roaring ;-) keep your wings up until.....would love for you to fly by sometime: Blog: http://www.designsbylindar.blogspot.com/ or "like" my Fan/Biz page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Me-Myself-and-You/105043419547115
