Thursday, June 17, 2010

Truly a new beginning

I am finally starting to create boy's art. I love working with visual texture and pattern. I want to start doing more.
I have swayed with the notion of selling my art for a long time now. I tried Etsy for a little bit but was never committed wholeheartedly. I wasn't very successful and hardly had any people seeing my items. I took my first big step and signed up the other day for an E-class with Kelly Rae Roberts and let me tell you I'm amazed, confused, excited, nervous, and yes fearful all at the same time. I am two weeks behind in the class and feel I may catch up by the time the class is over. After viewing comments of the first post, I see that many people know each other from other classes, have beautiful blogs, have established shops, and yes seem very successful already. I am a mother of two who has said for the past 4 years I am going to do my art, but without finishing what I begin. I am tired of all my excuses to wait until... Signing up for the e-class is my biggest step to date with the commitment to my art.

Last night was my first night of the class and I was up reading, exhilirated until 3 in the morning. I have not felt like this in forever. I didn't want to go to sleep because I didn't want that feeling to go away. However, I knew in a few short hours I would have two screaming kids calling my name. Tonight I find myself overwhelmed and lost. I am starting from the beginning again and filling up my notebook with to-do lists so I can make headway for myself. I will not quit. I will not quit my art. This is what I am meant to do. I know it.


  1. Overwhelmed and lost... sounds like MY kind of island haha It's that irritating sense of knowing the slats on the fence are brushing your butt. Do I? Don't I? What about this? What about that? Ambivalence, nasty word...

    Just do what you can do, when you can do it... and be happy and grateful for your talent... all else will fall into place when it's suppossed to... and even if it's years from now.. just know that God is always right on time.

    Good Luck!!! Praying for you... as always.

  2. Love the fish !
    Hi, My name is Marianne. I am a friend from Kelly's class. I understand the stops and starts in life. I have been doing the same dance. Always saying I would do something after such and such. Then it dawned on me. There is no perfect time to start. You just have to make it important enough. Then do it.
    Keep it up you'll get there.....wherever there is.

  3. The art looks great! Keep it up I know you can do it!

  4. Thank you all for the kind words. This group has already been great motivation for me.
